It is believed from archive receipts that his menagerie included an elephant, a giraffe (called a “camel leopard”), cockatoos, gold and silver pheasants, a monkey, a llama, elks, emus, kangaroos, ostriches, a Neapolitan pig, goats, an Indian bull and his spouse, a coatimundi and a blood-sucking ichneumon. The menagerie was inspired by the animals kept at Chiswick House by the sixth Duke of Devonshire, William Cavendish (1790–1858). The story is set in 1810 before there were formal zoos in England. They live in Hampford Castle and have an animal menagerie. They are quite the most delightful and quirky bunch of characters that I have ever penned. I am delighted to introduce you to the Marquess of Cheswick and the Stringham family. He knew better than to give rash promises, but her countenance was so open and trusting that he couldn’t help himself. No man or woman of conscience would have allowed it.” Surely, they cannot be aware how you are being treated by your aunt. There will be less gossip if you are staying with a family member, and he should know who your trustees are and how to reach them. But first, we must take you to your uncle. “There are plenty of other eligible young men who will appreciate your charms. “You won’t need me,” he assured her, stepping back. Lady Louisa’s eyes were still focused on the folds of his cravat. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and you will be surrounded in London by suitors-and not just because of your fortune and title.” Their curves perfectly matching the other’s dips.

“Believe me, Lady Louisa,” he said, breathing hard as he pulled her closer to him. What sort of woman would cheat her own niece out of her fortune? And treat her like less than a servant in the meantime? Wick stopped dancing, a sort of primal anger running through his veins.