The angle of the photo makes it look like Monday is performing oral sex on Claudia. As they sit on the floor in a stall, someone takes a picture of them and circulates it on Facebook. Several weeks later, after Monday does a disastrous job dyeing her hair, she hides in the bathroom and Claudia follows to comfort her. Monday and Claudia beat up Jacob one day for refusing to counter the rumors. Rumors start to circulate that Monday is promiscuous and that she and Claudia are romantically involved with each other. Around this time, a rift develops between Claudia and Monday: Claudia resents Jacob for messing with her best friend, and for some reason, Monday becomes very angry with Claudia when Claudia keeps asking where Monday’s little brother, August, went. Though Jacob and Monday hang out and kiss on the weekends, Jacob refuses to acknowledge Monday at school. Their friendship begin to change when Monday decides to act on her feelings for Jacob Miller, the best-looking boy at school. Claudia often gives Monday clothes, since Monday’s are usually threadbare.

Several days per week, they go to the library with Monday’s little brother, August. The girls spend their time hanging out at Claudia’s house after school, making up dances to their favorite songs and talking about boys. In “One Year Before the Before,” Claudia and Monday are in seventh grade.

Claudia goes through the “After” timeline believing she’s 13, when she’s actually nearing her 16th birthday. And “The After” takes place two years after authorities find Monday’s body-though Claudia (and for much of the novel, the reader) isn’t aware that it’s been two years. “The Before” details Claudia’s search for Monday.

“One Year Before the Before” chronicles the year before the protagonist, Claudia’s, best friend Monday disappears. Monday’s Not Coming is told in three different timelines.