On the journey, Ali charges him with a mission, to deliver intelligence to the British in Umballa. He believes if he can find the "River of the Arrow" that he will be enlightened. Kim meets a Tibetan Lama, a monk who is on a sacred quest to transcend the wheel of human fortune and fate. As an boy raised in India, he is culturally very Indian, so he lives in community with the local people and the British alike. He takes odd jobs for Mahbub Ali, a horse trader, a local spy for the British.

Kim's family lives in India, so when he is orphaned, he becomes a beggar in Lahore. Kimbrall O'Hara is a recent orphan, following the deaths of his father, an Irish soldier, and his Irish mother, who died as a result of their desperate poverty. Written by Ancy Johnson, kriti Banerjee and other people who wish to remain anonymous We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community.